


Secret Recipe in Teluk Intan


A picture says everything. Expected to open next month in Bandar Baru. The shop will be occupying the MCA building and an adjacent shoplot.


This is a map for anyone who doesn’t know where will it be (follow: red circle).

It’s a pity I most likely won’t be there when it opens. 'Because I will be in Melaka as soon as tomorrow for 3 months of hospital attachment.

Wish me luck and hardwork =)





忆 梦里一切 在风中漫步的湖边

而我望着阵阵秋雨 想起你在阵阵秋叶里 啊娜的背影

而我在枫树下止步 见你对我一回眸 深深触动着我心腑

而我们席坐湖中轻舟一艘 你妩媚的眼神 仿佛向我倾诉心中许多郁闷


如今 深秋已至

这场黄粱美梦 让我深陷其中多时

美梦将尽 我却早已无法自拔



难道梦里一切 仅是我一厢情愿?


也许美梦将尽 才是我们最好的结局

也许天不作美 才是最想你的季节

Forever Jam

MV导演:Kyle 词:王力宏/Kyle 曲:王力宏

请听原曲forever love以便享受本词的效果


驾车 不是因为我有钱而已
我每天都要驾车 每个公里伤透我薪金
因为你让我看见forever 公车放飞机
上班这些日子 要好好珍惜

驾车 有些痛苦有些不公平
如果真的驾车 不是理所当然的决定
看到其他汽车在我车边 用力的鸣笛
温柔的咒骂 前面的司机

所以我要 每一天早起来开车 哦 多不自然

forever jam forever jam
从今以后 你会是所有 迟到的理由

上班 是场最久最远的旅行
沿途车祸频密 偶尔阻碍我们的前进

看到其他司机赶抄车牌  迟点买4D
巧妙的勾起 我的火脾气

不可思议 证明我骂人的理由 哦 多么自然

forever jam forever jam
从今以后 你会是所有 迟到的理由

你超多的toll gate 我鸣笛的声音 仿佛就是最好的抗议
就让我再说一次 I HATE YOU 哦! 直到永远!

哦 forever jam forever jam
从今以后 你会是所有 迟到的理由

forever jam forever jam
forever jam...(MV在不尽的车龙中 fade out 结束)

Please vote my friends!

My friends are currently taking part in a New Zealand Natural fanpic contest.

I sincerely appeal to all my blog readers… please vote for them if you have a facebook account! Thanks!

You can vote by following these steps:

1. Become a fan of New Zealand Natural.

2. Click this pic and choose ‘like’!

This is the pic!

I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t offer anything in return…your efforts are voluntary and will be much appreciated! I myself too, although not taking part in the competition, tried to help them and resulted in being called a spammer by friends T_T It hurt me, but it should not affect our will to fight to the end! My only purpose in helping is just so that my friends can overtake another winning pic and win! (Now don’t ya try to vote the other pic =P) My friends are currently 40 votes short for a tie.

If you are reading this, please help! I offer you much thanks on behalf of my friends!

P/S: The voting ends this Saturday, please be quick if you want to join the Force!