Few days of integrated seminars have passed. After today’s seminar, I guess everyone has a reason to be wary of their classmates. Hehe.
Today I read about Ovi Mail having combined its address book with Ovi contacts. For unknowing people, Ovi is a set of services provided by Nokia to almost all Nokia users, maybe except 1208 and the likes. I was first exposed to this Ovi thing after I got my N86. Ovi Mail came as part of the free Ovi services to compete with the other smartphone market players, I believe.
I reminded myself of the number of times I have switched my mailboxes. Switching mailbox is never an easy thing. I used to have a Yahoo Mail account (Yahoo Mail was a big thing back then, compared to its petty competitor Hotmail, which I never like at all, but was forced to use when I started an MSN messenger account.), then changed to a second Yahoo Mail, then added a third Yahoo Mail together with the second one, then hotmail (MSN!~), then 163 (Chinese) mail, finally gmail when it was in its early beta stage. Of course, gmail remained until now.
Now that Google is on the verge of ruling the virtual world, I thought of leaving it by jumping to Ovi mail. Very ironic huh?
Of course it is always very good to see Nokia trying to protect its smartphone market that it once ruled with customer services. The pressure of free market. It even provides OTA sync of your details with Ovi server, which I think is very great.
But I guess I wont be switching to Ovi Mail yet huh? Gmail works perfect on Nokia Messaging anyway. I still write blog on blogspot (Google owned), read on Google Reader, and use Google search instead of Bing or Yahoo (which again something I have never liked to use).
Whatever it is, good job Nokia, and hope you continue to provide more conveniences and innovations to your users!
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